
Throughout these writings, you may come across a word that is not in English. We have worked diligently to utilize Blizzard’s glossaries and have substituted in words from Tolkien and a couple of online word generators to fill in the gaps as needed.

Da = Darnassian

Dr = Draenic

Th = Thalassian

  • Alara-shinu (Da) = Finding Beauty in Imperfection
  • Al diel shala (Da) = Safe travels
  • Alor’el (Da) = Lover’s Leaf
  • Ama noral’arkhana (Th) = Saved by magic
  • Anar’alah (Th) = By the light
  • Anar’alah belore (Th) = By the light of the sun
  • Anaria shola (Th) = Speak your business
  • Anar’endal dracon (Th) = By the breath of the dragon
  • An’da (Da) = Papa/Father
  • Ann’da (Th) = Papa
  • Ande’thoras-ethil (Da) = May your troubles be diminished (A farewell)
  • Anoduna (Da) = Ancient
  • Andrassil (Da) = Crown of the Snow
  • Andu-falah-dor (Da) = Let balance be restored
  • Anu belore dela’na = The eternal sun guides us
  • Anu’dorini Talah (Da) = Let my will be known
  • Aranal (Th) = Rise! (Command)
  • Ash Karath (Da) = Do it
  • Bal’a dash, malanore (Th) = Greetings, traveler
  • Ban’dinoriel (Th) = Gatekeeper
  • Band’or shorel’aran = (Roughly) “Prepare to say farewell”
  • Bandu (Da) = Child (Often used as an insult)
  • Bandu Thoribas (Da) = Prepare to fight (A challenge to an enemy)
  • Bash’a no falor talah! (Th) = Taste the chill of true death!
  • Belore (Th) = “The sun”, though can mean to uncover something hidden or unknown if used in Darnassian
  • Buros (Dr) = Sleep (Spell command)
  • Dalah’surfal (Th) = My love
  • Doral ana’diel? (Th) = How fare you?
  • Dor’ano (Da) = Sibling
  • Ellemayne (Da) = Reaver (Title)
  • Elune-Adore (Da) = Elune be with you (A greeting)
  • Elun’dris (Da) = the Eye of Elune
  • Fandu’talah (Da) = Grandmother
  • Fandu-dath-belore? (Da) = Who goes there?
  • Ishnu (Da) = Twins/Good Fortune
  • Ishnu-alah (Da) = Good fortune to you (A greeting)
  • Ishnu-dal-dieb (Da) = Good fortune to your family (A greeting)
  • Jai’alator (Da) = Noble blade of Elune
  • Kaldorei (Da) = Children of the Stars, People of the Stars (Starborne, night elves)
  • Lathar’Lazal (Da) = Seat of the Sky
  • Lorlillui (Da) = Dream Lily (Kalithil’s name for Lilybeth)
  • Malanore (Th) = Traveler/Stranger (Context and tone dependent)
  • Min’da (Da) = Mama/Mother
  • Minn’da (Th) = Mama
  • Mush’al (Da) = Brother
  • Nahlen’do (Da) = Master of the Fang
  • Nésa (Da) = Sister
  • Nordrassil (Da) = Crown of the Heavens
  • Quel’dorei (Da) & (Th) = Children of Noble Birth (Highborne, High-borne, high elves)
  • Quel’Thalas (Th) = High Kingdom or High Home
  • Quel’Zaram (Th) = High Blade
  • Quel’Danil (Th) = High Peak
  • Revola (Dr) = Reader (A title given to an empathic person)
  • Ronae (Th) = Peaceful
  • Ru shallora enudoril (Da) = I anoint these caretakers of the wild
  • Sel’de (Da) = Daughter
  • Selama ashal’anore (Th) = Justice for our people
  • Seld’irin (Da) = Grandaughter
  • Shaha lor’ma (Da) = Thank you
  • Shari’adune (Da) = Grandfather
  • Shalla’tor (Da) = Shadow Render
  • Shal’nar (Da) = Aunt
  • Shan’do (Da) = Honored Teacher (A title and term of respect)
  • Shanna melor’ne adala fal (Da) = The truth is a guiding light
  • Shen’dralar (Da) = Those Who Remain Hidden
  • Shindu fallah na! (Th) = They’re breaking through!
  • Shindu Sin’dorei! (Th) = Failing children of the Blood
  • Shorel’aran (Th) = Farewell
  • Sin’dorei (Th) = Children of the blood
  • Sunstrider (Da) = He who walks the day
  • T’as’e (Da) = Cousin
  • Tal anu’men no Sin’dorei! (Th) = Death to all who oppose the Children of the Blood
  • Teldrassil (Da) = Crown of the Earth
  • Thero’shan (Da) = Honored student (A title and term of respect)
  • Tor ilisar’thera’nal (Da) = Let our enemies beware
  • Vordrassil (Da) = Broken Crown
  • Xaxas (Da) = A short title with many meanings, all dire. “Chaos”, “fury”, “The embodiment of elemental rage, such as found in erupting volcanos or shattering earthquakes”, “elemental fury”, “catastrophe”
  • Zin-Azshari (Da) = The glory of Azshara