Coming Together, Part 2

Tindomiel and Forosuul mounted up. “The training area of Old Town, let’s start with that. Maybe he’s practicing,” she offered. She pulled the reins, guiding the dream runner towards the tunnel.

Forosuul shook his head, “I’ll go there, you check the Dwarven District. The faster we find him, the better. Whoever finds him goes straight back. If he isn’t there, meet me here  and we’ll move to the other districts.” He spurred his fel saber to a run. Tindomiel shifted towards the bridge and set her mount to a gallop.

As she entered the smoky air of the Dwarven District, she heard the distinct sounds of hammers on iron. The forge was busy today. Perhaps he’s working. At least I hope so, she thought. She moved quickly around the bend, bringing herself around to view the work area. As she spotted his head of messy hair, she let out a sigh of relief. He was surrounded by others, all working away.

Sliding from her saddle, she moved towards him, attempting to appear calm. “Æl? Can you come here a minute?” His head turned and he blinked in surprise, but did as her was asked.

“Aunt Tindo? What are you doing here,” he asked, wiping off his hands on an oil rag.

Keeping her voice low, she took him gently by the elbow and moved him away from the others. “Your sister was attacked. She’s in the infirmary. You need to come quickly.” Before she could move further, he took off for the Cathedral. “Ælithil, wait for…oh just go, Ban’du. I’m right behind you!”

Forosuul found them back at the infirmary. He had waited a bit at the tunnel, but quickly realized that Tindo must have located the boy. Walking up to the small curtain, he spied Æl kneeling beside the bed, tears rolling down his face. Tindomiel’s hand rested on his shoulder. He thought he overheard her say, “You couldn’t have known. Let her sleep a bit.” Sutrakarre stood over the other side, ripples of golden light pouring off of his outstretched hands.

“I’m going over to the chapel,” the young Kaldorei mumbled. Tindomiel nodded and let him leave. He moved numbly through the infirmary and out to the main chapel, prayers quietly issuing from his lips. Tindomiel sighed as she turned back to her niece.

A young human nurse came in and spoke in whispers with the large Draenei. He nodded and she left the room. Sutrakarre crossed to Tindomiel and spoke gently. “They have made room upstairs. Can move now.” She looked over to the sleeping form of the broken girl. “You can…ermmm float her, yes? Move more gently?” She nodded and they began the process of transporting her to a private room.

About an hour later, Kalithil arrived. Tindomiel stopped him from entering the room. Forosuul was overseeing Sutrakarre as he examined and healed Kalimè for the second time since they had moved her. Each time he found more damage. The ancient Kaldorei was furious. “Why is he doing this and not you? He is not one of us, Tindomiel,” he demanded.

“Because we are working together. I needed a rest. Come. Let sit and I can tell you what happened.” Kalithil cast an angry scowl at the man standing above his daughter. “You can see her when he is finished. Come sit.” She guided him down the steps to the small table and waiting area. She started to tell him all they knew, though each piece seemed to make him angrier than before.

“This is all very convenient for him. He just happens to know precisely where to find her. Just in time. Tell me why I should not be convinced he is not involved in this, Sel’de?” He glared at her across the small table. Tindomiel winced under the wave of rage pouring off of him.

“He was with Eliân having dinner when it happened. And he was with Silannah for hours before that. He wasn’t there,” she tried. “He is very strong with the Light, An’da. He was guided to her.”

“Just because he wasn’t there, doesn’t mean he wasn’t involved. He could have orchestrated this whole thing.” Tindomiel shook her head. “Tell me why that man is allowed in there, and I am barred from the room? Why am I not permitted to see my daughter?”

“You may see her as soon as he is finished. Forosuul will come to get us. Please. Why will you not trust what I am telling you? He is helping her! He saved her life!”

“How am I supposed to feel? How would you feel if you are in my shoes? That is my child up there,” he voice practically shaking the walls. He balled his fists on the table, his eyes narrowed on her.

“If things keep going, I may well be in your shoes,” she answered him softly.

“What do you mean?” She sighed and pulled out the crumpled parchment. She held it out to him. “What is that,” he asked, irritation edging every word.

She explained the note and urged him to read it. It took a few tries before he agreed to read it. “Sutrakarre cannot read, write or speak our language, An’da.”

“So he had someone else do it.” He countered, refusing to be moved by her latest excuse.

Tindomiel shook her head. “No, Iasea is known to us. She…she was Kasuura’s daughter.”

Kalithil growled out at her. “You don’t murder an entire family and leave one alive to seek revenge, Sel’de.”

“Yes. I know that now,” she stared at the table, withering. Her ears twitched as Forosuul’s voice could be heard at the top of the steps. Kalithil rose without a word. His glare, filled with fury, was all he left with her as he turned and strode up the stairs.

As he reached the top step, he turned to Forosuul. “She’ll be needing you now,” he stated flatly as he stepped into the room. He motioned in no uncertain terms that Sutrakarre was to leave the room and closed the door behind them to speak with his child.